„Think outside your box“

Postgraduate Curriculum in Sport Psychology

Innsbruck 2017-18: Curriculum in Sport Psychological Skills Training

1. block: 12.06.2017 – 24.06.2017 (Start Monday 13.00h; End Sunday 12.30h, Sunday no courses!)

Supervised practice (achievable while you are working): 25.06.2017 – 10.01.2018 (firsthand mentoring with attendant supervision) - regional locations

2. block: 14.02.2018 – 15.02.2018 (Start Wednesday 13.30h; End Thursday 13.00h)

Link: German Homepage

For further information

Questions regarding our curriculum may be sent to Mag. Caroline Burchell
Center of Mental Excellence GmbH
Contact Germany: Konrad Zuse Platz 8, D-81829 München
Tel. +49 (0)89 51871587
Contact Austria: Schöpfstr. 39, A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel. +43 (0)512 274784

E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann.


Based on the educational requirements outlined by the German Association for Sport Psychology (asp) and the Federal Institute for Sport Science (BISp) in Germany and the Austrian Network for Sport Psychology, the curriculum provides students an opportunity to develop a solid foundation in applied sport psychology. Graduates are eligible to apply as a Certified Consultant through asp and BISp in Germany and the Austrian network for Sport Psychology.

The Curriculum offers two principal training pathways:

a) Basic curriculum in sport psychological skills training

b) Advanced curriculum in sport psychological coaching

A comprehensive theoretical curriculum and supervised field experiences in sport psychology prepare our students for their future work in our field.

Each curriculum consists of 110 hours of applied instruction (interactive lectures, group work, social interactions with classmates and staff, case studies, role plays, debriefing, discussions and feedback), 100 hours of postgraduate supervised practice (…working with athletes, coaches, parents, teams etc.) and 25 hours of supervision. The curriculum includes units in counselling skills, professional ethics, assessment and evaluation, and psychological theories and interventions. We provide an immersive learning experience with a diverse faculty. Our Professors are experienced sport psychology practitioners as well as applied researchers, and leaders in the field of sport psychology. With ongoing supervision and continuing professional development, students are able to develop the skills to work with issues that they are likely to encounter in their professional careers.

Our partners

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie           Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (BISp)          Zentrale Koordination Sportpsychologie (ZKS) des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbunds (DOSP)          Österreichisches Bundesnetzwerk für Sportpsychologie (ÖBS)          boep

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